Saints and Martyrs

Over the years, numerous members of the college’s faculty and alumni embraced martyrdom, with several ultimately being canonized as saints.

Name Martyred Place Beatified Canonized
Laurent-Marie-Joseph Imbert / St. Imbert 1839 Korea 1925 1984
Jacques-Honoré Chastan / St. Chastan 1839 Korea 1925 1984
Philip Minh Van Doan / St. Philip Minh 1853 Annam 1900 1988
Peter Quy Cong Doan / St. Peter Quy 1859 Annam 1909 1988
Paul Loc Le Van / St. Paul Loc 1859 Annam 1909 1988
John Hoan Trinh Doan / St. John Hoan 1861 Annam 1909 1988
Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung 1944 Bangkok 2000 -

Source: College General, Wikipedia

Bishop Laurent-Joseph-Marius Imbert (1796–1839)

Saint Laurent Marie Joseph Imbert, MEP, was born on March 23, 1796, in Marignane, France, to a farming family. Ordained in 1819, he left for China in 1820 and served in various missions in Asia. In 1821, he was sent to Singapore by Bishop Florens, where he became the first priest to celebrate Mass in modern Singapore. He also briefly taught at College General in Penang. Fr. Imbert spent 12 years as a missionary in Sichuan, China, establishing a seminary in Moupin before being appointed Vicar Apostolic to Korea in 1837 and consecrated bishop.

In 1839, during a severe wave of Christian persecution in Korea, Bishop Imbert, to protect his flock, surrendered to the authorities, hoping to mitigate further violence. He encouraged two other priests, Fr. Chastan and Fr. Maubant, to do the same. Despite his sacrifice, Bishop Imbert and the two priests were tortured and executed by beheading on September 21, 1839, at Saenam’tŏ near Seoul. Refusing to renounce his faith, he died a martyr and was canonized as one of the 103 Korean Martyrs by Pope John Paul II on May 6, 1984. His legacy reflects his devotion, courage, and commitment to his mission in the face of persecution.

Image of Saint Laurent Imbert, missionary and martyr, sourced from Missions Étrangères de Paris

Jacques-Honoré Chastan (1776–1839)

Saint Jacques Honoré Chastan, MEP, was born on October 7, 1803, in Marcoux, France, to a farming family. With a deep desire to serve in foreign missions, he joined the Paris Foreign Missions Society (MEP) in 1827. After leaving for Macao, he served as a teacher at College General in Penang from 1828 to 1833 and also assisted at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Pulau Tikus, showcasing his gift for languages, including fluency in Chinese.

In 1835, he attempted to enter Korea but was delayed, leading him to missionary work in Shantung Province, China, before successfully entering Korea in 1836. There, he worked in Seoul, learning the language and ministering to the faithful under dangerous conditions. In 1839, during a wave of Christian persecution, Fr. Chastan surrendered himself to protect his flock from further harm. He was tortured and beheaded on September 21, 1839, alongside Bishop Imbert and Fr. Maubant.

Recognized for his missionary zeal and ultimate sacrifice, Fr. Chastan was beatified in 1925 and canonized as one of the 103 Korean Martyrs on May 6, 1984, by Pope John Paul II. His life exemplifies courage, humility, and an unwavering commitment to spreading the Gospel.

Image of Saint Jacques-Honoré Chastan, missionary and martyr, sourced from Missions Étrangères de Paris

Philip Minh Van Doan (1815-1853)

Saint Philip Minh was born in 1815 in Caimong, Vietnam, to a devout Christian family. He followed Bishop Taberd to Thailand and later to Calcutta, where he contributed to the editing of an Annamite-Latin-Annamite dictionary. In 1840, he entered College General in Penang and completed his theological studies, being ordained in 1846 by Bishop Lefebvre. Known for his piety and distinction, he became a respected priest in his mission.

In 1852, amid growing persecution, Fr. Minh was ordered to leave Cai-mong and minister in Mac-bat. He was later captured, chained, and interrogated for seven days but refused to disclose the whereabouts of other priests or deny his faith. When pressured to trample on a cross, he steadfastly refused. Before his execution, he encouraged his fellow prisoners, saying, “I entreat you from the depth of my soul, whatever sufferings may be awaiting you, remain firm in your faith; put all your confidence in the heavenly hope; it will not fail you.” On July 3, 1853, Fr. Minh was beheaded and buried in Cai-mong.

Two miracles are attributed to him: the tree under which his coffin was placed caught fire, and cotton wrapping his head caused a glow of light in the house. Beatified in 1900 and canonized in 1988, St. Philip Minh is honored as a model of unwavering faith and courage.

Image of St Philip Minh refused to trample on the crucifix when ordered to do so by his tormentors from College General.

Peter Quy Cong Doan (1823-1859)

Saint Peter Qui was born in 1823 in Bung, Gia Dinh province, to a devout Christian family. He entered College General in Penang in 1844 and, after completing his studies, was ordained a priest in 1858. Just three months after his first assignment in Cai-Mong, a violent persecution of Christians began. Fr. Qui displayed unwavering courage, strengthening the morale of the faithful through his prayer, fasting, and selfless example. Arrested in 1859, he exhibited remarkable generosity and piety, comforting fellow prisoners and encouraging those who had denied their faith to repent. Facing death without fear, Fr. Qui embraced martyrdom with serenity, clutching a small statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary as he was beheaded on July 31, 1859. He was buried in Nang Gu, and his legacy of faith and courage was recognised with his beatification in 1909 and canonisation in 1988 as one of the 117 Vietnamese Martyrs.

Statue of St. Peter Quy Cong Doan carrying a wooden beam, symbolising his martyrdom, at College General, Penang.

Paul Loc Le Van (1831-1859)

Saint Paul Le Van Loc was born in 1831 in Chi Hoa, near Saigon, Cochin China, to a devout Catholic family. His father was a Christian doctor, and his mother was a convert. In 1846, he entered College General in Penang, where he initially struggled with poor health but eventually excelled as one of its top students. Ordained in 1856, he served in An Nhon but was forced to rest for a year due to ongoing health challenges. Fr. Loc was later assigned to a school in Thi Ngha, where he taught Christian Doctrine and Latin to students preparing for College General.

In 1858, during heightened persecution of Christians, he closed the school and took refuge in a Christian household. However, he was betrayed by a servant, arrested, and offered a high-ranking government position in exchange for renouncing his faith. Fr. Loc steadfastly refused and was sentenced to death. Originally condemned to strangulation, his sentence was changed to beheading. On February 13, 1859, he was executed, embracing his martyrdom with joy and devotion to Christ. He was buried in the parish of Cho Quan. Beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1988, Fr. Paul Le Van Loc is remembered for his unwavering faith and dedication.

Statue of St. Paul Loc kneeling in the centre, commemorating his martyrdom, at College General, Penang

John Hoan Trinh Doan (1798-1861)

Saint John Hoan was born in 1798 in Kim Long, Cochin China (modern Vietnam), to a devout Christian family of farmers and weavers. His family endured significant persecution, with two brothers dying for the faith and two nephews becoming priests. He journeyed through Siam and Penang to study at College General and returned to Vietnam after completing his formation. Ordained a priest in 1844 by Bishop Cuenot, Fr. Hoan became known for his deep piety, pastoral zeal, and compassion for the poor. He ministered tirelessly, celebrating Mass early, hearing confessions late, and preparing many for the sacraments despite increasing hostility toward Christians. In 1859, when Saigon fell to Franco-Spanish forces, persecution intensified, and Christians were accused of collusion. Arrested in January 1861, Fr. Hoan endured imprisonment, beatings, and torture but remained steadfast, saying before his execution, “Deo Gratias, thanks be to God; all is consummated.” He was beheaded in May 1861, though the whereabouts of his body remain unknown. Beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1988, Fr. John Hoan is celebrated as one of the 117 Vietnamese Martyrs.

Statue of St. John Hoan, seated with clasped hands holding a palm branch, symbolizing his martyrdom, at College General, Penang.

St. Peter Luu (1816-1861)

Saint Peter Nguyen Van Luu, born in 1816 in a Christian family near Saigon, Vietnam, was orphaned at an early age and raised by his uncle, Fr. Than. He was committed to the priesthood and sent to College General in Penang in 1831 under Bishop Lefebvre’s guidance. Despite his small stature, Fr. Luu di spl aye d exc ept iona l cour age and determination in his ministry. Ordained in 1851, he served the persecuted Catholic community, often at great personal risk. In 1859, while about to enter a prison to administer sacraments, he was arrested. Refusing to renounce his faith, he famously declared, “If a simple Christian cannot deny it, how much more a Catholic priest!” During imprisonment, Fr. Luu showed unwavering kindness, shared his food, and encouraged others to remain steadfast. On the day of his execution in 1861, he was praying and reciting the rosary. His remains were later exhumed and reburied in Vinh Tuong Church. He was beatified in 1909 and canonized as one of the 117 Vietnamese Martyrs in 1988 by Pope John Paul II.

St. Peter Luu is depicted seated, holding a palm branch, symbolising his martyrdom and unwavering faith.

Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung (1895-1944)

Blessed Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung (1895–1944) was a trailblazing Thai Catholic priest whose faith led him through unimaginable trials. After training at the prestigious College General in Penang, he returned to Thailand with a passion for evangelization. His dedication to spreading the Gospel and supporting his community was evident even during World War II, when he was falsely accused of espionage and imprisoned. While in prison, Nicholas baptized fellow inmates, and despite the suffering, he remained resilient in his mission. He died of tuberculosis in 1944 due to mistreatment. In 2000, Pope John Paul II beatified him, honouring his legacy as a martyr who never wavered in his faith.

Image of Blessed Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung from Wikipedia, public domain

Following the courageous example set by these prominent martyrs, we honour their legacy with the complete list of all martyrs from College General. Their sacrifice stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment and faith they upheld, shaping the spiritual foundation of future generations. Below is the full list of martyrs associated with College General, each contributing uniquely to the rich history of this institution and the Christian faith they defended.

Memorial plaque at College General, Penang, honouring martyrs who gave their lives for their faith.

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